
Titanfall 2 Review

Are you ready for Titanfall?

When it comes to the Titanfall franchise, a campaign was a distant thought; well… that changed with Titanfall 2. With the campaign of Titanfall 2, you follow the story of a member of the Militia, Rifleman Jack Cooper as they begin to descend upon an IMC controlled planet for a secret mission. As you progress, you meet Pilot Captain Lastimosa as you begin your training towards becoming a Pilot. Unfortunately, the mission doesn’t go as planned and as you begin your mission you are saved by Lastimosa from IMC troops and some wild animals only to see your mentor get shot right in front of you. As you try to save him, Lastimosa orders BT-7274 to except you as his new pilot. So begins your new adventure with BT-7274 as you not only continue the critical mission, but you begin to evolve your relationship with BT-7274.
As a fan of the original, Titanfall had no story, so it was up to Respawn Entertainment (who is made up of the original Modern Warfare team) had quite the uphill battle to create a story for a sequel that had no story, but had a rich back story created, post the original game. However, Respawn showed up with a compelling story that not only relayed a rich concept but created a unique relationship between Jack Cooper and the A.I. driven BT-7274 with many jabs that made it seem as these two had been together for longer than a few hours (game time).


I give the story: 9.3 out of 10

Respawn Entertainment’s Titanfall which was Xbox only a few years back showed amazing designs, smooth graphics and a solid environment brought those to a new level with Titanfall 2. From the designs of the characters, the Titans and even the environments, Titanfall 2 looks simply amazing. Unfortunately, the one thing that lacks in Titanfall 2 is the lack of cinematics during cutscenes but that doesn’t mean there is a lack of transitional cutscenes. The in game cutscenes do their job in conveying the transition between chapters, there is a noticeable difference.
With a lack of cinematic cutscenes, Titanfall 2 still delivers with a beautiful world that doesn’t sway with glitches or disruptions.


I give the graphics: 9.5 out of 10

With every passing year, the FPS genre seems to always have issues when it comes to gameplay, whether it’s clunky controls or the infamous “fire tornado” of Battlefield 1, but Titanfall 2 seemed to break that cycle. With Titanfall 2, Respawn found the winning formula by keeping things simple by going back to what made COD: Modern Warfare so unique. This translates to everything from the way you move, to how each weapon feels, to the way your Titan moves feels unique and real. But there are a few minor issues. Titanfall does fall a little short when it comes to the way Titan’s move within multiplayer, except for Ronin, each Titan feels the same regardless that Scorch, a seemingly large Titan moves the same as Ion or Legion.
But even with these minor issues, Titanfall 2 does keep the controls feeling grounded yet allows for a unique experience and it beckons even the most hardened COD player to stop and admire the continued success of this new franchise.


I give the gameplay: 9 out of 10

Titanfall 2 found success with a rich story and a beautiful experience that makes me want to play it again and make it to the end of the credits (hint, hint). This game is a must buy for those looking for a unique FPS experience or those looking for a compelling campaign. For that this game has been labeled a Sexy Game.

Final Score

Total: 9.2 out of 10