The Iron Banner, Destiny’s crazy PvP event that enables level advantages returns for its first run in the new game. The new iteration wasn’t a really large secret as players data mined some information during the faction rally event that uncovered the Iron Banner. But the one thing that some people (including myself) wanted was this to be a complete PvE event where you (i don’t know) returned to the badlands from Destiny 1’s Rise of Iron DLC to combat the SIVA virus for tokens and maybe some loot by adding in ether story missions, mini missions, or both.
However, as we know with Bungie, they don’t seem to want to do anything that would make sense. The Iron Banner is returning but in its classic PvP mode. Which is weird because in the Rise of Iron DLC, you wandered around the open world completing missions for Lord Saladin and learned more about who the Iron Lords were and what happened to them. So wouldn’t make sense to continue that model after revealing that there were still Iron Lords scattered across the Galaxy (as in Lady Efrideet). But this would make too much sense and really; did you believe that Bungie would do something awesome (remember the Stranger) for such an expansive narrative?
Well, this is because Bungie would rather cater to the maybe 20 – 30% (being generous) of players that live in the Crucible and don’t care about actually playing the game then the ones who want a great experience, rich story and lots of post game content. Don’t get me wrong, I do love the Iron Banner and the amount of great loot you can get, but to cater to just those few hardcore gamers is just nonsense.

But to digress, in what was an amazing DLC story in the Rise of Iron, there is no hiding the fact that Bungie really doesn’t care about those PvE lovers and only thinks that the PvP people are their audience. Or could you look at it as they have absolutely no clue what the hell they are doing when it comes to creating lasting, memorable stories. Hopefully the Iron Banner has a great run and returns at a later date, but I want (and I am probably not alone) them to give us the story that most of us want to see, such as where are the remaining Iron Lords that were mentioned to still be alive, what the heck is going on out there and what is going on with the SIVA crisis (come on, does anyone really believe you can stop something like a virus?).