
Star Wars Battlefront 2 Beta Impressions

The open beta for Star Wars Battlefront 2 ended on the 9th and while short-lived, what did you end up thinking about it? Well, in my opinion, I can wrap up the beta in just 2 words… Chaotic Beauty. But lets break it down a little bit here and go into why. You had access to a ground and space match where you played the role of an attacked and defender.

On the ground you ether played as a Clone Trooper for the Army of the Republic or a Droid for The Separatists as you fight to defend or take down the royal palace on Naboo. Each faction is broken up into 4 different playable types,

  • Assault
  • Heavy
  • Officer
  • Specialist

As you play as a Clone Trooper, you are tasked with defending the royal palace by taking down the MTT that rolls into range to take down the walls. You can use traditional firepower to slowly take down the attackers tickets or use Ion Cannons around the map to take down the MTT before it makes it into range. As for the Droids, you must continually push forward as you protect your MTT as make your way toward the royal palace to eventually take full control.

In space, you play ether as ether the Empire or the Rebel Alliance fighting above the planet Fondor as an Empire Star Cruiser is undergoing repairs in a space dock. Each faction is broken up into 3 playable types,

  • Assault
  • Bomber
  • Striker

For the Rebel Alliance, you must protect your fleet as you push forward to take down the docked Star Cruiser by taking down shield generators and docking clamps with the help of bomber squadrons and Rebel blockade runners. For the Empire, you are tasked with defending the weak points of the shield generators and docking clamps while you are waiting for reinforcements to arrive.

As I described earlier in the article, Star Wars Battlefront 2 can only be described as Chaotic Beauty. The reason being is if anyone is familiar with the Battlefield or Battlefront franchise, at any moment in a match it becomes a cluster f*** of insanity as everything is going on and in Battlefront 2, that will be no exception. Even if you had time to look around, you can see a lot is going on and the team at DICE has put a fair amount into the game to give players something more than just a pretty PvP game.

However, there are some bad points to the game. Not with the controls or the look, but with the star cards. In game boosts that can give you new special weapons, to upgrades in defensive or offensive abilities. They also come in different rarities that range from level 1 (common) to level 3 (very rare) and the higher the level the more potent the abilities. Which can become a problem as when you purchase a loot box, it is completely random and if you get one with a massive boost to your offensive weapons, you can pretty much one hit kill almost anyone. This is a problem as if you get one early on, you are pretty much invincible which also leads to a balancing problem.

If EA and DICE can find a good balance to the star cards, then Battlefront 2 can become one of the best FPS games since Modern Warfare graced us with its presence. Star Wars Battlefront 2 will be released on PC, PS4 and Xbox One on November 17th.