Every year we have an award show and the nominees… are not so normal. This year we had some interesting nominees that left some lasting impressions on us. Lets begin.
Canadian Caveman Award
(best bludgeoning with a blunt object in a video game)
Here are the nominees:

1. Titanfall 2: Punching a rival pilot with your titan while they run across a ledge.
2. Battlefield 1: Finding another player and stealth killing him with the trench mace.
3. Ratchet & Clank PS4: Throwing your Omni Wrench at the Blargian Snagglebeast only to get punted into the lava.
4. Far Cry Primal: Dropping down onto an unsuspecting enemy and clubbing them in the head for the Death From Above medal.
5. Overwatch: Reinhardt smashing Soldier 76 into an ice wall then beating him senseless with the hammer.

Ratchet & Clank PS4
Frog of the Opera Award
(best collaboration of music, dialogue and scenes in a video game)
Here are the nominees:

1. Final Fantasy XV – Florence + The Machine: Stand Together
2. Battlefield 1 – Smashing Pumpkins: Bullet with Butterfly Wings
3. The Division: Underground – Dorothy: Missile
4. Halo Wars 2 – White Buffalo: I Know You
5. Gears Of War 4 – Disturbed: The Sound of Silence

Halo Wars 2- White Buffalo: I Know You
Nixon Gets Stabby Award
(Games that should never again be play)
Here are the nominees:

1. Call Of Duty: Infinite Warfare / Destiny: Rise Of Iron
2. No Man’s Sky
3. Dark Souls 3
4. Battleborn
5. The Division

All of them? (mostly Dark Souls 3)
The 40 Minute Face Palm Award
(Video game moments that i can’t believe happened)

1.Steam: Drowning in shovelware
2. The Division end game
3. PS4 Pro not the upgrade we wanted
4. No Man’s Sky in general
5. Too many pc games with glitches & issues

No Man’s Sky
Fap2Pixels Award
For the nominees, please visit fap2pixels.com
Stay tuned later this year as we bring you the nominees for 2017.