J Zippo

Damnation Review

Damnation is set in an alternate version of planet Earth, during the Civil War. While the North and South are fighting it out, a new more powerful army forms and wants to do away with both the Union and Confederacy in one swift movement and turn the United States of America into a country called the “American Empire” with a totalitarian dictatorship. The name of the army is PSI and they use human controlling serum, giant battalions and steam-powered machines to battle the Confederacy and the Union.

The scores are somewhat generous because I already knew that the game was glitchy and full of bugs… and sometimes, that makes it better.



This is where the game has issues. Ranging from poor aiming to crazy combat rolls, the game does not lack in “whoa!” and “WTF!” It will either make you NOT like the game or make you like it more. The obvious point of the game is shoot all the bad guys and move on… so with that in mind, the developers decided to continually holster your gun at all times unless you hold down the trigger. This can be frustrating especially when you are unsure if you have to reload the gun or not. There are times you approach an enemy and find that you have no ammo left, so you stand there reloading as the opponent riddles you with bullet holes.

Boobs in Damnation Video GameGRAPHICS (for 2009) – 8.0


For the time the graphics were not bad. Some of the cut-scenes range from WOW to people looking like potatoes. Gameplay graphics were almost as good, and most of the areas were well done. Considering the time frame, 2009 (about 8 years ago), the graphics are pretty damn good. The female protaganist has some great titties, and they are very well… designed.



I love the main storyline. I think this would be a great movie or TV show. Some of the sub-plots are eye-rolling and predictable and interfere with the main storyline. The idea is that there was a new and unknown power coming from the west, that over-took the Confederates and the Union. Now everyone is scrambling to fight them off, but it is almost too late. With a massive army, half human, half steam-punk… most of the population wacked out on serum; it does not look good for our heroes!

The game is less than five bucks on steam most of the time, and on sale, it could be as low at 99 cents. When you give a game 1 dollar per hour to gauge how good it is, Damnation will more than exceed your expectations. You can’t expect Battlefield 1, but considering how old it is and the developer shut its doors 3-4 months after release… it’s a decent game.

From hilarious glitches, to awesome cleavage and underboob, this game is worth the money.

OVER-ALL – 7.6

Final Score