
Destiny 2 The Fallen Warmind DLC

Normally, we don’t care about the announcements of Destiny 2’s patches, updates, DLC, etc. but with all the horrific issues befalling this once great company it was warranted this time. The next DLC for Destiny 2 and most likely the final piece of substantial content till about October is titled The Fallen Warmind. According to a leaked Gamestop listing on their site (source: https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/8419×3/spoiler_destiny_2_expansion_2_the_fallen_warmind/?st=jepoqpb2&sh=7dab99e8), they outlined what is going on and a few things that will be included. Here is the information from the listing.

The Fallen Warmind continues your Guardian’s journey with all new stroy missions and adventures set in a new(ish) destination, Mars. Rasputin has mysteriously vanished, and Ana Bray has returned to The Last City warning of a dark uprising on Mars. Discover the conspiracy behind his disappearance, prevent the rise of a corrupted Warmind, and uncover the truth behind the Collapse.

The Fallen Warmind continues your Guardian’s journey with all new story missions and adventures set in a new(ish) destination, Mars. Rasputin has mysteriously vanished, and Ana Bray has returned to The Last City warning of a dark uprising on Mars. Discover the conspiracy behind his disappearance, prevent the rise of a corrupted Warmind, and uncover the truth behind the Collapse.

They also had some information about what exactly you will be seeing in the DLC and they are:

  • Explore Mars and the Deep Stone Crypt beneath the surface
  • New story missions and adventures
  • New themed weapons, armor and gear to earn
  • New cooperative activities (Strikes & Raid Lair)
  • New competitive multiplayer arenas
  • And more…

So why is this so important then? Well, unless you have been under a rock for the last few months, Destiny 2 and Bungie have been in one could only guess is a freefall to hell as it has become a running joke in the gaming world. With over 70 – 80% of its player base gone (rumored numbers) and in-game issues that span across every facet of its existence, Destiny 2 needs this DLC to be able to tell its fractured player base that they can make a great game. But sadly that doesn’t seem to be the case as Bungie has been scrambling to simply make their sequel the exact same as the original.

As a player of both Destiny & Destiny 2, I firmly believe that regardless if this DLC is amazing or not, that Bungie has destroyed a franchise that was full of amazing possibilities. Maybe they will sell the property to a company that can actually produce an MMO. Slated to release May 8, 2018, stay tuned for more information.