This past weekend, For Honor had a closed beta from 1/26 – 1/29 to those who pre ordered For Honor and registered online were given an access code to get first crack at Ubisoft’s newest game. As it concluded, there are a few positives and some negatives to the experience. Before we dive into these, For Honor did introduce an interesting feature that not many games have been able to obtain or make effective. The Faction War is a constant struggle between the 3 factions to control the map, which as it sounds is interesting. But here’s an interesting catch; the map can be shifted through one of the three game modes: 1v1 Duel, 2v2 Brawl and 4v4 Dominion. Just like in my article “Are You Ready For The For Honor Beta?” we went over the characters that you will have access to.
With that said, here are a few of the positives from the Fo -r Honor closed beta. The modes available allow for ether player vs player and player vs AI which is great for those who just ether aren’t fans of PvP or aren’t that good at it. Another good takeaway from the closed Beta was getting a taste of the deep customization that will be present in the full version which allows for some interesting options with allowing you to change the head, chest and arms of your particular hero, they even allow you to modify your weapons and shown below, you can change the weapons blade (or axe head), the handle and in some cases the guard and pommel.

That’s not all with the customization, you can also change your character’s appearance by choosing paint schemes, symbols and tattoos (Vikings only). Another awesome positive was the executions, which shown below allow for some instances straight out of a Mortal Kombat game.
With some positives, there are some negatives. One of the biggest negatives that I ran across was the friendly fire system, although it doesn’t allow you to kill your teammates and NPCs, but it does make you stumble and in a few instances, your teammates will come up from behind and will continually slash at you to make you stumble so that they can go in and steal our kill. Another was some balancing issues, which (in my opinion) the Nobushi and the Conqueror were the most unbalanced. With the Conqueror specifically, can suffer zero recoil from blocking and can deliver an attack before you have a chance to defend yourself. Other minor issues where you might not be able to play a game when you are in a party in a queue or even when you create a private match. Although this was a closed beta and they did warn about issues, might hope is that these issues will be addressed.
The most interesting thing is the next week For Honor will have an open beta for all those who didn’t get a chance to play in the closed beta. It will take place 2/9 – 2/12.