With Injustice 2 a mere 4 months away, it’s time for the information to start flowing. Soon we will be hearing about the newest fighters to join the fray but for now we have information about the versions of the game you can now pre-order.
Injustice 2 Standard Edition

Comes with:
- Game
That’s right, for a cool $59.99 you can get your copy of the game. Simple right? Well, how about the…
Injustice 2 Deluxe Edition
Comes With:
- Game
- 3 DLC Fighters
- 1 Premier Skin to turn Supergirl into Powergirl
- 1 Exclusive Gear Shader Pack – Defender
A slightly better package and its a solid $79.99. It seems to be a pretty decent but I am feeling underwhelmed for what you get for the price. But that leaves us with the coup de gra..
Injustice 2 Ultimate Edition
Comes with:
- Game
- 9 DLC Fighters
- 3 Premier Skins to turn:
- Flash into Reverse Flash, Supergirl into Powergirl & Green Lantern into John Stewart
- 2 Exclusive Gear Shader Packs – Destroyer & Defender
And for a whopping $99.99, you really have to love this franchise to want to drop serious green for this version.
As someone who loved the 1st Injustice (I still have my digital copy), I feel a little cheated as for roughly the same amount you got a really nice statue; so for this to have nothing of the sort seems a little wrong but hopefully the DLC characters are not P.O.S’ and random characters they decided to toss in, but actually real DC characters fans want to see (bring back Deathstroke you a$$ monkeys!). But we need to wait a few more days for the fighter videos to start premiering and we will post them on our Facebook page for you.
But wait! There’s more. If you pre-order your copy today you will get exclusive access to play as Darkseid!

Disclaimer: We do not own any of these images. These images belong to their respected companies and these are used for informational purposes only. All rights belong to their respected owners.