
Just Cause 3 Review

When it comes to the Just Cause series, people expect big things from it but does the third installment push the envelope or does it fall flat?

With Just Cause 1 & 2, the story was pretty simple: Arrive, Defeat the Warlord and save the island (oh and blow **** up in the process). Well unfortunately Just Cause 3 is no different…. mostly. However the biggest difference from the previous is instead of being some random tropical island, this is your home turf. Rico, has returned home after years of destruction elsewhere to discover that a vicious general has taken claim and your best bro is helping the resistance. As you progress through the story, you continue to meet-up with old friends along the way and with that leads into a new addition to the game that helps to break up the missions. There are a plethora of side missions, random occurrences and timed events to keep your mind fresh.

I give the story: 7 out of 10

One would think that the gameplay could not get any better than it was in Just Cause 2. Well on the upside, the new addition of vehicle types and the pretty wingsuit (and it is fun) but unfortunately when there is up, there will always be a down and for Just Cause 3 it happens to be the vehicle controls and camera. At times, the controls feel sluggish when driving at full speed and the camera can sometimes shift unexpectedly causing you (the player) to lose your placement. This should be an easy fix with an update patch but until then it is the only thing that I can find which causes you to probably stay in the air.

I give the gameplay: 7 out of 10

As hit games continue to create sequels and sometimes prequels, the one question for graphics is “can they get better?” and in the case of Just Cause 3 the answer is “yes” but a soft no lingers in the background. The graphics for the third entry are beautiful to the least, from the gorgeous sky to the clear blue water and even the lush landscape this game does not disappoint in any way… except for one. As mentioned before in a previous episode, there is the issue of the game coming to almost a complete crawl when you begin to create what this series is famous for… massive explosions. So for now be gentle with Avalanche Studios as they continue to figure out how to fix this to increase the overall enjoyment of this game.

I give the graphics: 8.5 out of 10

The third entry into the Just Cause franchise is a nice one, but with a host a small issues and an unfortunate repeating story concept I give Just Cause 3 a 7.5 out of 10.