
Pokemon Sun/Moon on the Switch?

For as long as Nintendo had the N64 and Pokemon Stadium, fans have been clamoring for a full fledged Pokemon game. But for as long as that’s been around, Gamefreak has continually pushed it to the side. Now that is looking like it is going to change. As reported by IGN’s Daily Fix, it looks like Gamefreak is dropping some job listings for a console RPG and to back it up, Siliconera has confirmed by seeing the listings for “A title that everyone knows”.

So it looks like fans may finally see a version of Pokemon (most likely a version of Sun/Moon) on the Switch will be sooner than later. This is awesome news for gamers because it looks like we are getting closer to that coveted console version and even if this might just be the 3DS title getting a slightly larger version I know that there are still fans out there (like myself) that is waiting for the true console RPG to be released. Hopefully there will be more information, but until then we all can only hope.